Mobile Ongoing Support Needed . . .
Thank You for partnering with us to bring the life-saving Medical Mobile Clinic to Oahu.
With your partnership, we now have the Oahu Pregnancy Center's Mobile Clinic on island. We are excited to see the LIFE IMPACT our services will have in the community.
Now that the clinic is here, we need to be able to continue to fund its operations to keep it out in the community.

How can you help!
Prayer is always first. We need Prayer Partners to cover our mission. We are developing prayer teams. Please give us a call at 808-678-3991 for moe information.
Financial Partners are a necessity of our mission. Studies have shown that seeing an ultrasound has an impact on a woman’s decision to choose life for her child over abortion. It is important to our mission of educating women through our medical ultrasound and evidence-based options consultations that our services remain FREE. The women we see on Oahu often do not have insurance or do not want the appointment on their medical record until they make their pregnancy decision. We want to be a compassionate alternative to the abortion clinics that are charging them for their services. Our patients are often overwhelmed with the fact that people in the community care enough about them to fund our services. Through our free services, they see that the Christian community really cares about them and their children.
Volunteers with specialized skills are also needed. If you have social media experience, marketing, administrative skills or counseling experience, we would love to partner with you. Please give us a call at 808-678-3991.
Business referrals for special services. If you have a business that offers services that you feel would benefit our patients and would be willing to donate them, we would love to talk to you. For example, we have had photographers and doulas come along side us to offer services to our patients. This really shows that the community is willing to help these families in tangible ways and give us all more opportunity for discipleship.
Thank You...
Thank you to all the individuals and orgnizations that have partnered with us to bring a mobile medical ministry to Oahu. Your partnership will allow us to serve more women/families with our life-affirming services.
A special thank you to:
Aloha International Mission
Bio Tools
Calvary Chapel Pearl Harbor
Hawaii Kai Church
Honolulu Bible Church
ICU Mobile
New Hope Leeward
Pearl City Community Church
Prime Electric Inc.
R.L. Huntington Foundation
The Salvation Army Kroc Center
The Memorial Fund in Honor of Diana Chan
Though we have been provided funds to purchase the vehicle, there are still start-up expenses and operational costs that are needed. If you would like more information about our organization and the Mobile Medical Ministry vision, please call us at 808-678-3991.